Introducing the Liver: Your Body’s Second Largest Organ
Your skin is the largest organ of your body. Did you know that your liver is the second largest? That makes it the largest solid internal organ you have, weighing in at 3-3.5 pounds. It is located underneath your ribs, lungs, and diaphragm, and on top of your gallbladder, stomach, and intestines. What does it do and how do you keep it healthy?
Your Liver’s Role
The liver serves as your body’s detox center. When you hear people talking about cleanses and detox regimens, don’t need to feel the need to join in. When your liver is healthy and functioning, it does a great job of removing toxins, and processing drugs and alcohol. Your liver also produces blood, stores vitamins and nutrients, and helps you combat infections.
Ways to Protect Your Liver
First, eat a healthy, balanced diet of fresh foods to maintain a healthy weight. Exercise! See your physician to keep your vaccines up to date and check your bloodwork. Follow good hygiene including washing your hands and following safe sex practices (to reduce the risk of Hepatitis B and C). Take medications as directed. Prescriptions, supplements, and over-the-counter medications can be damaging, or even deadly, if you take more than directed or in conjunction with the wrong medication.
Things to Avoid
For your general overall health, avoid smoking, illegal drugs and substances, and limit alcohol consumption, if you drink. Be smart when choosing where you may receive piercings or tattoos, or any other services that may pierce the skin. As much as possible, be selective when eating outside the country – watch that food vendors you choose follow good hygiene practices.
Things to Know
Know your family history, vaccination history and possible risks to your own health. Share information with your physician to give them the best shot at keeping you healthy. Take good care of yourself. Your body (and your liver) will thank you for it.