According to the Calorie Control Council, “the average American may consume more than 4,500 calories and 229 grams of fat from snacking and feasting.”
The following are some tips to help decrease the caloric increase, according to Toby Amidor, from US News:
- Turkey: “Smaller birds are usually more tender than larger birds in which could lead to over eating.” Also, dark meat has less calories and fewer grams of fat than white meat.
- Stuffing: “Stuffing can average 425 calories per serving.” Wild rice, veggies, nuts and dried fruit is a healthier alternative.
- Green Bean Casserole: “Heavy cream and cream-based soups drive the calories in this dish to 500 calories and 35 grams of fat per serving.” There are other alternatives when making this dish that could help the calorie counters.
- Apple Pie: “To cut calories, make an open-faced pie. For a lighter filling, aim for half to three quarters of a medium apple and use less butter.”
To read more, click here to get the full article.
Gluten-Free Thanksgiving:
According to, the following are helpful tips to make your Thanksgiving gluten-free:
- “Make sure your turkey is gluten-free. Numerous brands use gluten when processing their turkeys, so be sure to read the label, and make sure there is no hidden gluten in any of the ingredients.”
- “Brining is a great way to prepare your gluten-free turkey that will leave your guests quizzing you about your secrets to such a moist, savory turkey.”
- “Thicken homemade gravy with either corn starch, tapioca or arrowroot flour. Be careful, Bouillon cubes often contain wheat or gluten, so make sure to use only gluten-free bouillon cubes. Vegetarian Bouillon is also an option.”
To get recipes and other gluten-free tips, click here.